Sep 10, 2024 Magazine \ Newsletters

Newsletter - August 2, 2008
Every single day there are new online dating sites opening up. There are literally thousands of these sites online. But few of these sites survive very long, which is why there are only a handful of big sites.

Because the online dating field is packed with big players and small players, you have the opportunity to branch out when you're feeling in a "rut". For example, while is a great service, it is so crowded that if you are not proactive (and don't look like a model), you may find yourself getting fewer views of your profile than desired.

When you feel in a rut, there are several things you can do to change your situation:

- Try a new online dating service. After falling into a rut with one online dating service, I uploaded a new profile to a different service. Within just a few days time the page views (and inquiries) I received from the new service was outpacing the old one 30 to 1!

- Take new pictures of yourself (active ones) that show more of your personality. Remove your old photos and upload the new ones.

- Rewrite your profile. Make it original and avoid clichés (see our news item for this issue).

Sometimes you may feel you just need a break from the whole online dating scene. This is a good time to delete your profile, take that break, and come back fresh again, recreating your profile from scratch.

Online dating is an awesome way to meet new people and what makes it work nicely is the ability to learn so much about a person before you communicate with them. But keep in mind that it is normal to have a low response to your inquiries. Don’t let that frustrate you. Keep at it, keep reworking your profile, trying different dating sites when one gets too frustrating, and soon you’ll find a technique that works great for you.
Posted on 02 Aug 2008
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